Hi peops!

I can't give you any previews since the pictures are for the next CosMag magazine but as soon it gets published, I'll post the pictures around my sites on the internet.
he only preview I can get you is this:
In the middle of the shoot my sister suddenly asked my: "Nadia, aren't you forgetting to wear the sweathbands?"
AND I WERE! I totally forgot them back at Sascha's place in my suitcase.. so my official Heather photoshoot sorta fails because the cosplay is incomplete.. I have to remember to wear them for J-Popcon (OAO) forgive my forgetness!

In the middle of the shoot my sister suddenly asked my: "Nadia, aren't you forgetting to wear the sweathbands?"
AND I WERE! I totally forgot them back at Sascha's place in my suitcase.. so my official Heather photoshoot sorta fails because the cosplay is incomplete.. I have to remember to wear them for J-Popcon (OAO) forgive my forgetness!
Man, I saw the pictures yesterday (I'm so privileged <3) AND I ALMOST DIES. YOU GUYS ARE SO AWESOME-O!! I can't wait to see it IRL *__*
SvarSletThe more I look at the pictures the more I loooooove theeeeeeeem
SvarSletYou amaze me!