29. juni 2013

Cosplay, lenses and Zelda-altar!

This entry is cosplay related and therefore in English!

Not long ago, I found an issue of the Danish online cosplay magazine; DKos, too read some lenses reviews and found a pretty nice website and ordered a pair of lenses for my Twinrova cosplay. They arrived not two weeks later and I did get some free gifts and a card in which they wrote my name with a pen.

The order was from LoveShoppingHolics.COM (as I write this the site is down, actually) and I have had such a great experience with them that I will use the site for the next lenses I need to buy. In the package I got:

- Lenses
- Some whitening-eye-something
- A "Thankyou" card
- Something that sticks to my hair which is pretty funny (look picture below)
- Lens case

And all in some fancy and cute wrappings :)

Not long ago I decided to move all the stuff from the top shelf in my bookcase and put a lot of my Zelda stuff there (it was almost hidden away on a small black bookcase before). I couldn't fit my mangas and all my figures and games there but I think it turned out well :3

 And today, besides FINALLY starting to play Skyward Sword on Hero Mode, I had some cosplay done. The top is quite difficult because it has to be rather tight but meanwhile I should be able to move around and be aware of where my boobs are all the time (because I have never worn a cosplay shirt/top like this one, and I'm afraid my boobs will fly around EVERYWHERE, hahaha!)

Just with a simple part of the red belt. I'm so excited for this cosplay because I get to be a little flashy and A. GIRL. OMG!
(But in general, well-fuck-me, because I chose another body-paint based cosplay)

10. juni 2013

Twinrova WIP (1)

This post is cosplay related and therefore in English!

♥ ♥ 

Those fabrics were actually very expensive! I think I got the colors very well though :)


So.. I finished doing my math work/readings for tomorrow's math exam so I decided to relax for the rest of the day and beside playing a lot of Guild Wars 2 I decided to get some cosplay done!
I had already started on the pants and decided to go further :D

I want the pants to be really big and fluffy so I had bought some tulle for that purpose and I decided to make two fake pant legs with tulle to wear underneath the actual pants (yes, they are ridiculously hot to wear already!)

The red ones (left pic) were some really fast done pants just to see if they would fit and have the effect I wanted. I then made them from the desired fabrics (middle pic) with a little deeper v-shape at the front. At this point I had already made one tulle-leg and I tried to wore it inside the pants (right pic).

This is how the tulle-legs look like without the paints.

Above I have shown two pics (left ones) where I wear the pants without tulle and on the right I wear them with tulle. The difference is actually big, so I want to wear the tulle even though they are hot. Fortunately I can take them out at any time :)

I didn't manage to make any more for today, but I did order the lenses! I found just the perfect ones. I didn't want them too big or with a black border.........the white border in the picture below is not actually on the lenses.

I actually begun on the .....crown? ...Diamond I think! It's still just beta-phase, but it's something!

That's all for now!
[ enjoy the summer ]

6. juni 2013

Jeg lever faktisk :P

Ja, som titlen siger, så lever jeg faktisk, selvom jeg ikke virker så aktiv (da slet ikke i mine venners liv).
Jeg læser i øjeblikket til matematikeksamen som jeg skal til nu her på tirsdag :)
Så derfor virker jeg måske ikke til at rende og lave så meget, men jeg nyder faktisk livet.
Skal ned og hente vasketøj om lidt men kan da lige nå en indlæg før tøjet skal hænges op og matematikken genoptages :3
(Og ja, det foregår på dansk, fordi der ikke rigtig er noget cosplay-relateret i dette indlæg - andet end at jeg glæder mig til at komme ordentligt igang med Twinrova!)

Idag købte jeg lige lidt godter til mig selv!
Først det nye ImagineFX:

Jeg elsker ImagineFX! Det er ret dyrt at løbe hver måned, så mit næste mål er at tegne abonnement. Så sparer jeg lige godt 50% om året. (Koster 136,- i de danske kiosker/7elevens). Der er både traditionelle og digitale kunsterne med (mest digitale, dog!) og så er der workshops, art resources mm. på den lille disk som følger med hver udgave!
Uanset hvor højt jeg elsker cosplay så er tegning ved at tage over igen, og jeg føler mig så levende når jeg tegner!!

Og i forbindelse med det kan jeg lige vise min work-station:
Ikke noget stort og voldsomt (endnu), men har tænkt mig at gøre det endnu mere inspirerende når jeg engang flytter (sammen med kæresten!).

En af de spændende ting jeg laver i min fritid pr (udover at spille Guild Wars 2), er at jeg er ved at sammensætte mit eget brush set i photoshop, så jeg kan prøve at holde mig til min helt egen stil at tegne og farve på :3 ~ indtil nu er der kun kommet så (meget hurtige) doodles ud af det imens jeg eksperimenterer!

Så havde Farum Bytorv også fået sin egen lille Vero Moda! Så var der lige nogle ting jeg blev småforelsket i, og så var det endda ikke så dyrt! :D

Og nu vi er ved emnet har jeg lige lidt inspiration med:


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