5. september 2011

Yet another wish!

Hello folks!
Just adding a new cosplay to the wish-list.
I've fallen madly in (fantasy-fangirl) love with a new character and his lovely design!
It's also a character from Dragon Age II - like Flemeth from the last entry.
His name's Fenris and he's (also) an elf. I really want to cosplay him, but I'm not sure if my face will be good for it, so until now it's just a wish-cosplay.

Also I would like to remind my followers, that J-Popcon is within the next 2 months and Zuum and I have a huge project going on - which is a secret project so I won't upload any progress pics in a while. I'm sorry.
After J-Popcon, though, I want to start on Samus Aran and there'll be a LOT of pictures.

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