12. februar 2012

White in Hilletown

"You taught me that love isn’t on my site,
all I really wanted, was for you to hold me tight,
I feel like I’ve done all this for nothing,
and I just wish that I could tell you, what exactly I feel.
I’ll still be waiting for you to come and see what I can do,
You can’t make love, if at least you’re two.
So why did you have to put it like that,
you took away everything from me, everyone I had,
There’s just something I have myself to teach,
of anyone in this world, you are the one,
that I cannot reach.

Dry snow falling from the sky.
I could reach it, if only I could fly,
Fly away…
You are so easy to love,
Why can’t I shove,
You’re are hurting my heart.
By every beat…
Dry snow doesn’t even exist."

Lyrics jeg skrev for en del år tilbage på en kold søvnløs vinternat.

I dag tog jeg en tur i Slotshaven og tog nogle billeder. jeg havde brug for at komme væk fra alt i nogle timer, og være mig selv alene og det hjalp rigtig meget på humøret bare at traske rundt i sneen med sin yndlings-playlist i ørerne.

May the triforce be with you!

Tog dem her i morges fra mit vindue:

3 kommentarer:

  1. Dejlige vinterbillede, din nørd :'D

  2. Lækre billeder!
    Kender kun alt for godt det med at komme afsted og være sig selv :D ud og lege med kamera, juhu!

  3. You take amazing photographs! I love these~ <3


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